



一定要 与经济发展部联系,获取商业资源, 援助和机会. Let us know about your project to receive tailored guidance on how to grow your business here in Prince William County.

如果你在路上卡住了-随时与我们联系 go.repossedcars.net/smallbiz



Real estate in Prince William County offers a variety of options for small and large businesses. 如果你想开始或扩大一个小生意,只要 到mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站经济发展部报到 我们可以为您提供定制的、最新的、完整的房地产选择和解决方案.

小贴士:在购买或签订租约之前, determine the existing conditions of your selected property and how they may impact your type of business. 联系mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站发展服务部 在DDS@pwc政府.组织来确定它会如何影响你的业务开业.


If you are a home-based business seeking a professional work environment or company needing small office space, 联合办公设施可能是适合你的解决方案.

砖厂伍德布里奇() 是否有Flex和专用办公桌的联合办公设施, 小型私人办公室, 还有大小不一的会议室. 如果您需要商业地址,也可以使用虚拟会员.




我们的团队经验丰富 梅森SBDC辅导员 这里是帮助你计划,开始,管理和发展你的业务吗. 免费获得以下主题的专家指导:

  • 商业策略
  • 融资
  • 政府合同
  • 市场营销
  • 销售

在masonsbdc网上注册.安排你的第一次一对一的商务咨询. 如果您已经注册,请致电703-261-4105或help@masonSBDC与咨询团队联系.Org来安排预约.


欢迎大家访问 梅森SBDC工作坊 由主题专家就以下主题进行介绍

  • 搜索引擎优化 & 社会销售
  • 法律 & 政府
  • 价值主张设计
  • 政府合同
  • 准备你的演讲


MAGIC,管理和政府信息中心 是否有专门的人员和资源来协助企业和非营利组织, 检索mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站, 寻求拨款, 并了解法律法规.

只需将您的请求提交到MAGIC magic2@pwc政府.org 或致电703-792-4880.


如果你的小企业从事科学研究和开发, 你可能有资格获得联邦资助 小型企业 Innovation Research (SBIR) and the 小型企业 Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. 的se programs encourage small firms to undertake scientific research that helps meet federal research and development objectives and have high potential for commercialization if successful.

奖助金.政府 program provides a common website for federal agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for grantees to find and apply to them. Go to the 奖助金 Learning Center for an overview of grants and find federal grants that align with your work.



商业登记- 访问 Virginia 状态 公司 Commission to file your business entity as a Limited Liability Company (LLC), 公司, 伙伴关系, 等. It is recommended that you consult with an attorney or a tax professional in order to determine the entity type that is most appropriate for your anticipated business activities.

持牌专业及职业- 的 Virginia Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) regulates occupations and professions ranging from 架构师s and contractors to cosmetologists and professional wrestlers. 如果您认为您所在的行业是由国家监管的,请访问 查阅受规管专业及职业的名单.

持牌托儿服务- Virginia mandates the licensure of family day homes that provide care for five through twelve children. 成为有执照的日托服务提供者 参观弗吉尼亚州教育部.

维吉尼亚州营业税 检查一下 维吉尼亚州税 to see if your business needs to collect any 状态 Taxes such a 销售, Use and Withholding taxes.

家庭和商业厨房业务 食品机构, 包括私人院舍, 生产, 过程, pack or hold food for sale are subject to the Virginia Food and Drink Law and related regulations. 联系弗吉尼亚卫生部的食品安全专家 FoodSafety@vdh.维吉尼亚州.政府 浏览有关食物安全的最新指引及资料.



An 雇主识别号码(EIN) 是由美国国税局(IRS)分配的税号。. 的y use the number to identify which taxpayers will need to require business tax forms as well as personal. EIN允许企业提交纳税申报表, 申请一个商业银行账户, 申请商业贷款, 获得某些许可或执照, 以及工资报告, 联邦保险捐税法, 社会保障, 和医疗保险税. 像亚马逊和Etsy这样的公司通常会要求卖家注册一个EIN.

TIP: Self-employed businesses or sole proprietors are encouraged to get an EIN from the IRS instead of using your personal 社会保障 Number (SSN) for the business.



所有的企业都位于mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站, 包括居家企业, 必须遵守本县的分区条例.

〇在家办公 If you are planning to start a business in your home you must first apply through the Prince William County Zoning Office. 以下是在家办公最常见的许可证:

  • 在家就业证明 (HEC): A business activity conducted entirely within a single-family detached dwelling unit by residents of that unit which is clearly incidental and secondary to its principal use as a dwelling unit. 家庭雇佣比家庭职业更激烈,并且允许客户来家里.
  • 家庭职业证明 (HOC): A business activity conducted entirely within a dwelling unit by residents of that unit. 企业员工, 除了居民, 不允许在经营业务的家中工作. Home occupation is less intense than home employment and does not have customers coming to the home.
  • 家庭职业证明 for Family Day Home (HOC2): A Family Day Home is the accessory use of a dwelling unit to provide care during only a part of the twenty-four (24) hour day for one (1) through twelve (12) children under the age of thirteen (13), 当至少有一名儿童获得照顾补偿时, 不包括提供者自己的孩子和任何住在家里的孩子. “家庭日间之家”一词并不包括临时保姆服务, 孩子在家内外的不规律的天性. 它也不打算包括合作社, 一组父母在各自的住所相互照顾孩子.

联系mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站分区局 zoning@pwcva.政府 或703-792-7615获取更多信息和帮助.

零售和商业业务- 的 County wants to assist you through the regulatory 过程 to ensure your business has a positive impact on the community/neighborhood, 是安全的, 并尽可能快地打开.

如果在设计和施工过程中没有经验, 考虑聘请顾问, 架构师, 工程师, 或者承包商来做你的项目经理. A project manager is typically responsible for coordinating and tracking your project through the entire 过程: purchasing/leasing property, 设计, 允许, 施工及检验. Deficient project management will result in delays and additional costs to you as a business owner.

联系mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站发展服务部,地址是 DDS@pwc政府.org 与项目经理讨论预计的项目进度和预算.

别忘了标示许可证! 标志受mg冰球突破豪华版试玩网站分区要求的约束 通常需要30天的时间来处理审查. 有关标志或其他分区审批要求的问题,请发送电子邮件至 signs@pwcva.政府 或致电703-792-6830.

美食车及小贩、律师、小贩 任何想当小贩的人, solicitor or itinerant vendor in Prince William County must comply with the Prince William County Police Department. 如需更多资料,请联络牌照组 policedept@pwc政府.org or 703-792-4183.



威廉王子郡营业执照 Only businesses with expected annual gross receipts (purchases in the case of wholesale merchants) of $500,000或更多, 建筑贸易承包商, 都需要提交. 然而, any business located in the County may file and obtain a business license and is encouraged to do so since the 过程 ensures that you are compliant with County requirements.

For businesses with expected annual gross receipts (purchases in the case of wholesale merchants) of less than $500,000, 应缴的执照税是0美元.00.

企业有形财产税 Each business must file annually a Business Tangible Personal Property Return declaring a summary of property cost values by purchase year. 的 business tangible personal property tax is levied on all general office furniture and equipment, 机械及工具, 用于研究和开发的设备, 重型建筑设备, 位于本县的计算机设备及外围设备

食品和饮料税 7月1日生效, 2022, any business where food and/or beverages are prepared and served to customers must remit a 4% food and beverage tax to the County. 每月20日或之前应提交前一个月征收的税款.

纳税人服务代表可通过电子邮件联系 TaxpayerServices@pwc政府.org 电话703-792-6710.



与a连接 弗吉尼亚事业中心 代表帮助您解决您的劳动力需求. 发布职位列表,搜索合格的候选人,分析劳动力市场信息.

弗吉尼亚就业中心 为求职者提供职业协助和就业机会, 为各种规模的企业提供雇主服务, 退伍军人就业服务, 向符合条件的个人发放失业保险金, 以及其他旨在帮助就业的项目.



我们知道你们的首要任务是快速、低成本地开业, 有时候盛大的开幕计划被忽略了. 我们的团队在这里通过提供免费的剪彩活动来帮助减轻负担. Prince William County’s Department of Economic Development and the Prince William Chamber will manage the event logistics for your big day. 简单的 到经济发展部报到 让我们知道您即将开业或扩展的项目.



与威廉王子郡做生意 如果您有兴趣与威廉王子郡做生意,请查看 采购门户, 哪一个提供公开征集的途径, 当前县里的合同和对供应商的指示.

州和联邦政府合同 维吉尼亚采购技术援助中心(维吉尼亚PTAC), APEX加速器, 提供一对一的建议,帮助企业与联邦政府签订合同, 状态, 和地方一级.

对于国家采购和承包机会 弗吉尼亚州小企业部门 & 供应商多样性(SBSD) 为Small提供认证, Woman-owned, 和少数族裔企业(SWaM), 弱势商业企业(DBE)和伤残退伍军人拥有的企业(SDV).

威廉王子旅游办事处 参观普华永道是该县的旅游倡议,为吃饭的地方提供指南, 在县里喝酒和探索. 简单地说,就是为了参与当地的旅游活动 到经济发展部报到.

〇威廉王子室 与整个地区的商业和社区领袖建立联系, 开发新客户和合作伙伴,同时在商会分享想法和创新 活动和节目.

一百万个杯子威廉王子 每周一次的聚会,为企业主提供交流和讨论创业挑战的机会. Join this peer-to-peer network for networking every Wednesday morning at Centerfuse in the City of Manassas (9071 Center St, 马纳萨斯)



Stay up to date with the latest economic development and small business news in Prince William County



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